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Women Friendly Space (WFS) has made me a better person

Namaste! I am Dilmaya Pahari. I live in Badhikhel with my husband and two children; a daughter and a son. I work with my husband in bamboo furniture business. My father-in-law started this business

Women Friendly Space (WFS) has made me a better person

Providing Invaluable Service: How community child-care centre is supporting mother in reducing the burden of unpaid care work

The community child-care centre in Sangharsa Nagar, Bardiya, was established to help women share the burden of unpaid care work, taking care of their children alone, so that they could engage in

Providing Invaluable Service: How community child-care centre is supporting mother in reducing the burden of unpaid care work

International Labour Day 2020

Today is International Labour Day #MayDay. Half the world’s workers are losing their jobs because of #COVID19. The daily wage workers and vulnerable communities of Nepal are also facing serious

International Labour Daya 2020

Kamaiya women towards dignified life

Bideshni Tharu, 29, an inhabitant of Rajapur-2 Bardiya belongs to a freed Kamaiya family. She along with her family has faced a lot of hardship in life while working as a Kamaiya in various landlord’s

Bideshni Tharu

Nutritious food and COVID prevention kit helping pregnant and lactating women

34 Years Kausillya lives in Doti with her husband and two daughters. Her family's main source of income is daily wage labour. She is also a member of a REFLECT circle.
Her husband goes to the local

Nutritious food and COVID prevention kit helping pregnant and lactating women

COVID preventive kit increased confidence of health workers

"Now that we have sufficient PPE set in our health post, we are confident in providing quality health services" said, Health Assistant, Bimala Khamchha Magar.
Nayar Health post is located at


Youth-Led Campaign Against Child Marriage

Youth-Led Campaign Against Child Marriage


Indigenous skill making women empowered and independent

Geeta Devi, a resident of Nageswari village is one among those women who are preserving the unique and skilled method of intricate pattern making.

Nageswari village of Tehrathum District, Province 1


Stories from Jajarkot

On November 3rd, 2023, Jajarkot-Nepal was struck by a sequence of earthquakes and aftershocks, with the most powerful one measuring a magnitude of 6.4. Located in Ramidanda in Jajarkot District