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Children enjoying in school

Advance quality public education as a basic right for children

Remedial classes offer a glimmer of hope for children who faced learning setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic
ActionAid Nepal

The constitution acknowledges education as a fundamental right. However, the education sector has received inadequate focus and resources from the government. The public education system as a basic public service has undergone crisis due to the lack of quality education. Though the average school enrolment is satisfactory, challenges remain on achieving equity in access and identifying the most marginalised groups of students.

Our work will focus on eliminating the crisis in providing quality education, ensuring child rights in school, and also ensure that the government investment on education is increased and prioritized.

Areas of Work

Students studying in the class room

Enabling safe learning environment in public school

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Strengthening education governance to promote child rights and quality learning outcome in public schools

Strengthening education governance to promote child rights and quality learning outcome in public schools

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