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Violence Against Girls in Educational Institutions

This research is part of a broader research carried out by ActionAid country programs to develop a central focus on girl child and her educational environment. Though this is an indicative study and

Violence Against Girls in Educational Institutions
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Women in transformation

This publication is a collection of enriched articles which revolves around women and their transformations. It is a publication in collaboration between ActionAid and ASHMITA; women publishing house

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Stories of Change - Women's Collectives

“Strengthening Women’s Collectives project” is a three years multi country project implemented by ActionAid International in Nepal, India and Bangladesh in financial support of European Commission

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Hand Book on Microenterprise establishment for improvement of livelihood of rural women

This hand book reflects about the achievement and stories of “Strengthening Women Collectives Project” which is three years multi country project in financial support of European Commission.  This

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Business Planning Form- SWC

This form is about helping rural farmers (individual and group) to identify the potential agriculture business, develop business plan, identification of resources, skill, opportunities and challenges

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Safe Cities - Results from Scoping Study in Earthquake Affected Districts in Nepal

There is a high prevalence of Gender Based Violence (GBV) in public spaces in Nepal. Safe Cities Program attempts to advocate against GBV and start the process to address GBVs with special focus on

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Women Safety Audit Report

Women and girls face violence, sexual harassment and abuse on the public transport, on the streets, markets, homes, workplace and the educational institutions. Women’s fear of violence restricts their