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Local Earning and Quality Life

Local Earning and Quality Life

In the remote hills of Tehrathum, Nepal, many young people face significant challenges. Job opportunities are scarce, and wages are low. Young men and women often migrate abroad, hoping for better-paying jobs to support their families. However, the cost of migration is high, and many end up taking loans from local moneylenders with very high interest rates of 36% to 60% per year. This often leads to a cycle of debt, with many losing their homes to repay these loans.

Local Earning and Quality Life
ActionAid Nepal

Nabin, a young man from one of these villages, saw many of his friends leave for foreign lands. He shared their dreams of a better life but feared the risks and debts that came with migration. One day, he heard about ActionAid and its local partner organization's (PNGO) work in his community. They were offering a lifeline to young people like him by providing opportunities to improve their lives without leaving their homeland.

ActionAid had initiated several programs to address the root causes of migration and promote sustainable livelihoods. They formed and strengthened nine savings and credit groups, organized events to train 154 women in organic farming, supported smallholder farmers with agricultural infrastructure, and provided assistance for cattle shed and compost improvement. Additionally, they trained 216 youth and women in entrepreneurship, skill development, and access to finance, and established a women-friendly market. They also organized financial literacy and business counseling events, benefiting 94 community members, and raised awareness about safe food products through media engagement. Among these initiatives, Nabin decided to join one of the entrepreneurship training programs, feeling both nervous and hopeful.

Local Earning and Quality Life
ActionAid Nepal

Nabin shares his training experience as, “The training sessions were eye-opening. I learned how to start and manage a business, access financial resources, and develop a sustainable plan.” With newfound confidence, Nabin decided to start his own agricultural business.

In addition to the training, Nabin also received a small loan through ActionAid’s support and purchased seeds and farming tools. He began growing organic vegetables and selling them in the local market. His business started small, but with dedication and hard work, it grew steadily. Soon, Nabin was earning a steady income, enough to support his family and even hire a few friends who had been thinking about migrating

Local Earning and Quality Life
ActionAid Nepal

"I used to think the only way to a better life was to go abroad. But thanks to ActionAid, I found a way to build my future here at home. The training and support gave me the confidence and skills I needed. Now, I can support my family and help others do the same."

Nabin's success inspired others in his community. He shared, "I used to think the only way to a better life was to go abroad. But thanks to ActionAid, I found a way to build my future here at home. The training and support gave me the confidence and skills I needed. Now, I can support my family and help others do the same."

The impact of ActionAid's work was evident. Not only did Nabin's business thrive, but other young people in his village also started their own ventures, reducing the need to migrate. This created a ripple effect, improving the overall economic stability of the community. Nabin's story is a testament to the power of local support and sustainable development. ActionAid's initiatives provided a viable alternative to the high-risk option of migrating abroad. By empowering youth like Nabin with the skills and resources to start their own businesses, ActionAid helped them build a brighter future in their own communities. 

Join us in supporting programs that create sustainable livelihoods and keep families together. Together, we can make a lasting impact.