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Enhancing Education through Remedial Classes

Enhancing Education through Remedial Classes

In the scenic hills of Tehrathum, Nepal, education often faced an uphill battle. Socio-economic challenges, poor school governance, early marriages for girls, and the expectation for boys to earn for their families led to a high dropout rate among students. When COVID-19 struck, these issues were exacerbated as schools shut down, and remote learning was hindered by low connectivity and lack of digital devices, affecting 3250 students in the area.


Enhancing Education through Remedial Classes
ActionAid Nepal

Despite the local government's efforts to continue education through distance learning, it was a struggle for many students. The situation created a stark divide between those who could afford private education and those who could not. Amidst this educational crisis, ActionAid, along with its local partner organization (PNGO), stepped in to bridge the gap. One of the significant initiatives undertaken by ActionAid was the School Enrollment Campaign, aimed at addressing the various challenges that students in Tehrathum faced. To tackle the learning loss caused by the pandemic, ActionAid mobilized 29 trained volunteers to conduct remedial classes for English and Mathematics for students in grades 5 to 8. These classes, held for one and a half hours over 12 weeks, made a substantial impact.

"I did not like going to school a few years back as I was not a very confident student. I remember that I was weak in my studies, especially Mathematics and English. I was afraid of my teachers and scared to ask questions in the classroom."

Enhancing Education through Remedial Classes
ActionAid Nepal

The remedial classes changed everything for Anita. "Thanks to ActionAid and its support for children like me, school has become my favorite place. The Remedial Classes that I attended helped me excel as a student. I now not only learn but also guide my friends who need help with their class assignments," she said.

Anita's story is a testament to the positive impact of the ActionAid-supported program. The classes helped 209 students from three schools, showing an average improvement in 
learning outcomes of 3% to 5%. 

Moreover, 65 children who had previously dropped out of school re-enrolled, reinvigorated by the new opportunities presented to them. 

“Thanks to ActionAid and its support for children like me, school has become my favorite place.The Remedial Classes that I attended helped me excel as a student.”

For Anita, the classes were not just about improving academically but also about gaining confidence. "I feel that I have become confident as a student attending these classes. Apart from my studies, I like to help my mother with household chores and look after my younger siblings during my parents' absence. I love playing and spending time with my friends at school."

Enhancing Education through Remedial Classes
ActionAid Nepal

An active member of the Child Club in her school, Anita thrived in her newfound environment. She actively participated in school programs and won many competitions. "I love drawing arts, specially for sponsor friend from the UK. I have also participated and won in drawing competition organized by my school. ActionAid has huge role to play in my accomplishments. I want to thank ActionAid for helping me to believe in myself that I can."

Despite the pandemic's challenges, Anita remained committed to her education and continued attending school. As a sponsored child for ActionAid and a member of the Child Club, she had access to additional resources and support that helped her excel academically. "Through these classes, I was able to catch up on the missed classes and improve my knowledge of Mathematics and English. I was very happy when I secured the 2nd position in the mathematics exam, which boosted my confidence and self-esteem. I also participate actively in programs organized by ActionAid. I want to become a doctor in the future. I hope to make my parents proud."

Anita's journey showcases the transformative power of education and the critical support provided by organizations like ActionAid. With continued encouragement and resources, there is no limit to what Anita and her peers can achieve. Her story is an inspiring example of resilience and determination, promising a brighter future for her and her community.

Enhancing Education through Remedial Classes
ActionAid Nepal

By addressing socio-economic challenges and pandemic-related learning gaps, our remedial classes have significantly boosted academic performance and student confidence. Initiatives like the School Enrollment Campaign and volunteer mobilization have successfully re-engaged children with their education, reduced dropout rates, and created a supportive learning environment. Anita's transformation from a struggling student to a confident, active community member highlights the powerful impact of our efforts, demonstrating our commitment to fostering lasting, positive change and brighter futures for young learners and their communities.