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Empowering Women in the Informal Labor Sector: A Story of Resilience and Change

Empowering Women in the Informal Labor Sector:  A Story of Resilience and Change

In the heart of the Himalipur settlement, a community of freed Kamaiya (free bonded laborers), poverty and unemployment cast long shadows. The men of the community often migrate for work, leaving the women behind to sustain their families. Despite their relentless efforts, the women found themselves in an unjust situation. Despite working long hours on construction sites, they were not receiving their rightful wages. This dire situation affected 78 landless and freed Kamaiya women among the 125 households in Ward Number 1 of Rajapur municipality.

Additionally, the women in the construction sector were largely unaware of their legal rights regarding wage entitlements. They were not receiving the government-mandated minimum wage and were subjected to workplace harassment and violence. The existing environment discouraged them from speaking out against these injustices. Informal laborers faced significant health and safety risks, with no provisions to address accidents at work. Women and other workers had to handle concrete tasks with their bare hands, harming their hands and overall health. Basic safety equipment like boots, helmets, and other protective gear was conspicuously lacking.

In 2015, ActionAid Nepal, through its Local Rights Program, began working in the region with a mission to uplift the socio-economic conditions of the poor and marginalized communities, especially women in the informal sector. The program focused on raising awareness about their rights, identifying the challenges they faced, and empowering them to advocate for their entitlements. With the support of ActionAid and its partner organization, the labor women stood firm and refused to withdraw their case. After discussions with the Judicial Committee and contractors, an agreement was reached for the contractors to pay the outstanding wages to 19 workers by December 25, 2022.

Empowering Women in the Informal Labor Sector:  A Story of Resilience and Change
ActionAid Nepal

Furthermore, as part of this initiative, ReFLECT Circles were established in three communities. These circles served as platforms where women could come together, share their experiences, and gain knowledge about labor laws and advocacy strategies. Sita Tharu, a member of the ReFLECT Center and the president of the Women's Farmer Group in Himalipur, shared her journey. "My name is Sita Tharu, and I take pride in being a hardworking woman who takes on various tasks to support my family. My husband, Kiran Tharu, works as a wage laborer in India. I have two children: my son, Sishir, who is 12 years old, and my daughter, Srisha, who is 7. We live on government land as we do not own any property ourselves. Life as a wage laborer is incredibly challenging. I earn NPR 800 (USD$ 5.99) per day, which is not enough to support my family. My husband's remittances are uncertain and cannot be relied upon solely. Hence, I must work hard to provide for my children."

Empowering Women in the Informal Labor Sector:  A Story of Resilience and Change
ActionAid Nepal

Her story is one of resilience and determination. Despite working tirelessly, she and 19 other women in her community faced a major setback when they did not receive their wages for almost a year. "We tried to contact the contractor, but he did not respond to us and often verbally abused us on the phone. The due payments created a difficult situation for us, especially when it comes to providing for our families' needs, particularly education and healthcare for our children." Their persistence paid off when they collectively sought legal aid and won the case, ensuring that their wages were finally paid. This resolution not only alleviated their immediate financial struggles but also empowered them to stand up for their rights in the future.


"I take great pride in being a member of both the ReFLECT Center and the Karnali Women's Farmers Group. Through the ReFLECT Center, I have gained valuable knowledge about my rights as an informal laborer. Together with my fellow members, we engaged in constructive discussions to address the ongoing labor challenges we faced."

Empowering Women in the Informal Labor Sector:  A Story of Resilience and Change
ActionAid Nepal

The ReFLECT Center became a beacon of hope for these women. "I take great pride in being a member of both the ReFLECT Center and the Karnali Women's Farmers Group. Through the ReFLECT Center, I have gained valuable knowledge about my rights as an informal laborer. Together with my fellow members, we engaged in constructive discussions to address the ongoing labor challenges we faced."

The discussions within the ReFLECT Circle led to a significant step forward. The women identified the issues of unpaid wages and the responsible contractors. They submitted a joint application to the Ward Office and Judicial Committee in Rajapur, Bardiya. "We shared the injustices we faced, and despite facing various challenges and threats from the contractors, we stood united and resolute. The Judicial Committee recognized the legitimacy of our claims and sent a strong message to the contractors, emphasizing that failure to pay the owed wages on time would result in legal consequences."

The efforts paid off. Nineteen women, including Sita, successfully received their wages at a rate of NPR 800 (USD$ 5.99). Sita received NPR 28,000 (USD$ 209.61) in back wages, which she used to support her children and save a small amount. "I feel like a free bird now that I received my due payments. I don't feel insecure working as an informal laborer anymore. I help women from other wards to write applications to the Judicial Committee and orient them about their rights."

Empowering Women in the Informal Labor Sector:  A Story of Resilience and Change
ActionAid Nepal

The impact of the ReFLECT Center and the support from ActionAid Nepal has rippled through the community, inspiring other workers to join this empowering initiative. "I extend my heartfelt appreciation to ActionAid and its partner organization for their unwavering support and dedication to improving the lives of informal women laborers in my community. I hope that my journey will motivate other women like me who have struggled on their journey to justice. I will continue to help other women in my community as a member of the ReFLECT Center."

Sita's story is a testament to the power of collective action and the impact of empowering women in the informal labor sector. Through the support of ActionAid Nepal and the ReFLECT Centers, these women have not only secured their rightful wages but have also found a voice and strength to advocate for their rights. This story reflects the transformative power of donations and support in creating lasting change in marginalized communities.