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Empowering Women for Disaster-Resilient Communities in Siraha

Empowering Women for Disaster-Resilient Communities in Siraha

In Nepal's Siraha district, the Dalit community faces challenges like lack of land ownership, limited opportunities, and severe societal inequalities. Low literacy rates, early dropouts, and child marriages are common. Frequent floods, cold waves, and fires further impact the poor and marginalized

Since its establishment in 2015, ActionAid Nepal has been actively working in Siraha to uplift the socio-economic conditions of the poor and marginalized communities, especially the Dalit population. ActionAid Nepal has implemented various initiatives aimed at bringing about positive changes in the area. One key focus of the program has been to enhance local capacity to respond to disasters effectively. As a result, 50 young individuals have been empowered and trained as volunteers in humanitarian and transformative actions for community development. 

Empowering Women for Disaster-Resilient Communities in Siraha
ActionAid Nepal

An inspiring example of this transformative impact is Anita, a dedicated housewife, mother, and humanitarian worker who has become a beacon of hope and resilience in her community. Despite facing personal challenges, including getting married at an early age, Anita has emerged as a resilient individual committed to making a positive impact on her community.

Empowering Women for Disaster-Resilient Communities in Siraha
ActionAid Nepal

"My name is Anita, and I live in a joint family with my husband, Ram Chandra Chaudhary, our two sons, Aryan (12) and Adarsh (10), and my in-laws. I got married at a young age and soon became a mother to my two sons. Like many women in our community, I was bound to my home and household chores after marriage. However, deep down, I always had a passion to help others and dreamed of working for the betterment of my community.

My journey towards realizing this dream began when I became a member of the Siraha Youth Hub three years ago. Despite facing initial restrictions from my husband and in-laws, who believed that daughters-in-law should only focus on taking care of the family, I remained determined. I never imagined that I would be stepping out of my house. I was only limited to my kitchen after I got married. I thought that my life halted and would never be the same. With the support I received from ActionAid, I was able to overcome these barriers and pursue my passion for community involvement.

Empowering Women for Disaster-Resilient Communities in Siraha
ActionAid Nepal

"With the support I received from ActionAid, I was able to overcome these barriers and pursue my passion for community involvement."

I vividly remember the times when I had to wear a veil 24/7 after getting married. Stepping outside the house was not allowed, and I was restricted to stereotypical roles. But now, I proudly wear jeans to work every day, which I consider a significant achievement. My passion and dedication have allowed me to overcome these challenges, and I owe a great deal of gratitude to ActionAid for their unwavering support.

Today, my husband actively supports my efforts and assists with household tasks, enabling me to fully dedicate myself to my community work. The Siraha Youth Hub, consisting of 35 members, has been instrumental in driving positive change in our communities. Thanks to ActionAid, we have received three days of Disaster Preparedness Training, equipping us with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively during times of crisis. Given that Siraha district is prone to disasters like floods during the monsoon season, this training has been invaluable.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, my fellow Youth Hub members and I rose to the occasion. We organized awareness programs related to sanitation and health, disseminating vital information on preventive measures in our communities. Additionally, we distributed relief materials, such as hygiene kits, and provided aid to vulnerable individuals and families. Our collective efforts played a crucial role in the COVID-19 response in Siraha district. I am proud to say that my sons have also imbibed the importance of health and sanitation, washing their hands before eating anything. I believe that change starts at home, and ActionAid has had a significant impact on me and my family.

"I am proud to say that my sons have also imbibed the importance of health and sanitation, washing their hands before eating anything. I believe that change starts at home, and ActionAid has had a significant impact on me and my family."

My personal experience of marrying at an early age has fueled my passion for helping other women become empowered and boost their confidence. As a volunteer for ActionAid, I actively work to support and empower women who aspire to break free from their comfort zones. I understand the struggles they face, and I am committed to helping them in any way I can. I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of ActionAid's support, and I strive to be a source of inspiration and hope for many women in the Siraha district. My journey has not been without challenges, but I believe that every obstacle has made me stronger and more determined. I am grateful for the opportunities that ActionAid has provided me, allowing me to make a positive impact on my community. With a deep sense of purpose and a heart filled with compassion, I will continue working towards empowering women and creating a brighter future for all.”

Empowering Women for Disaster-Resilient Communities in Siraha
ActionAid Nepal

Anita's story is a powerful testament to the transformative impact of ActionAid Nepal's initiatives in Siraha. Her dedication and resilience inspire other women in the community to break free from traditional roles and take on leadership positions, contributing to the overall disaster resilience and socio-economic development of the region. Through the support and empowerment of women like Anita, ActionAid Nepal is making significant strides in creating disaster-resilient communities and promoting social equality and sustainable development in Siraha.