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Land Reform in Nepal

Problems and prospects.

Land Reform in Nepal
Publication /

Research base publication on use and impact of pesticide

This book is a research based publication done in collaboration with Agriculture and forestry university Chitwan and ActionAid Nepal. This publication provides the scenario of most talked about issues

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Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture

This publication is a basic guide to the promotion of Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture (CRSA) in Nepal.  CRSA is an approach that ActionAid has developed and is implementing in its programme

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Hand Book on Microenterprise establishment for improvement of livelihood of rural women

This hand book reflects about the achievement and stories of “Strengthening Women Collectives Project” which is three years multi country project in financial support of European Commission.  This

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Business Planning Form- SWC

This form is about helping rural farmers (individual and group) to identify the potential agriculture business, develop business plan, identification of resources, skill, opportunities and challenges