Disaster Risk Reduction
The country faces huge risks from climate change and natural disasters. The brunt is borne invariably by women, children and people living in poverty and exclusion. The recent earthquake and floods illustrate our weakened resilience and poor response thereafter. There is a need to build resilience of the communities in a comprehensive manner, breaking the cycle of poverty which perpetuates their vulnerability. Various researches and studies have shown that women are the first respondents during humanitarian crisis, but their capacities and contributions have always been overlooked.
Disasters have repeatedly affected schools and children, making education difficult. Specifically, these disasters reduce overall educational achievement by damaging school infrastructure, disrupting academic calendars and forcing children to drop out. Therefore, schools need appropriate disaster preparedness to reduce vulnerability and ensure children’ access to safer education environment.
We will focus our works to lessen the impact of disasters and build resilience of communities and schools by strengthening local capacity and enhancing women-led humanitarian response.