Decent Work Campaign
With the significant migration of young men to foreign countries, more women are entering the labour force, especially in the informal sector. However, women face various forms of discrimination, including unequal pay and lack of protection against different kinds of abuse, including those of a sexual nature. Even those working in the formal sector encounter challenges such as job security, fair wages, and a safe working environment. The government has introduced contribution-based social security schemes for informal workers as well. However, insufficient income and a lack of government commitment to contributions make it difficult for informal sector workers to participate in these schemes.
We will further enhance its efforts regarding decent work and the rights of women labourers by raising awareness about the issues faced by women and other impoverished labourers. We will empower and mobilise informal sector workers, including farmers, with a specific focus on women workers and their safety. The goal of the campaign will be to the creation of dignified work environments, where labourers receive fair wages, proper social security, and work in discrimination-free and safe conditions.