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Climate Justice Campaign

Climate Justice Campaign

Climate Justice Campaign

The world is experiencing the effects of climate change, including rising temperatures, depletion of water levels, flash floods and more. These changes are altering seasons and cropping patterns, leading to droughts and floods, and causing the presence of disease vectors across the globe. The climate justice campaign aims to promote climate justice by employing effective organizing, mobilizing, and communication strategies to demand social and political transformation. We recognise the crucial role of youth and women in addressing climate change and has already launched the campaign simultaneously in all working districts of Nepal and in the capital city. 

The campaign's primary goal is to raise awareness about the impact of climate change, particularly on women and marginalised communities. It will empower and mobilise local organisations and communities, including vulnerable and impoverished women and young people, to advocate for climate justice that addresses their specific needs. The campaign will focus on developing a collective response to the climate crisis, fostering solidarity across different groups and communities, and influencing decision-makers to act on climate change while prioritizing the needs of vulnerable and marginalised communities. Our target for this campaign will be basically the public (government) funding to green alternatives and more focus to implement the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and National Adaption Plan (NAP) and strategy.